About Us - Bee Montessori

Welcome to the First Day of the Rest of Your Child's Life...

Child playing with clothes pegs It is hard to imagine your two, three or four year old as an adult… Isn’t it? In just a blink of an eye, this day will come … As parents and caregivers, it is our hope that we have raised compassionate, respectful and independent beings who contribute positively to society. But how do we get there.. How do we achieve this ideal? The answer is simple: “raising a successful adult [all starts] starts by building an independent child” and THAT’S where Montessori education comes into play (Raising Successful Adults, n.d). It is education for LIFE. By prioritizing the social, emotional and intellectual development of each child, Montessori education helps to guide children into becoming active and responsible members of society later in life.

Child playing with clothes pegs